©tiyerreysgallery 28/06/2013/17:42:18/Surabaya
Many Landscape photographs showed little or no human activity, and is created in the pursuit of purity, a depiction of a pure unsullied nature without any human influence, not showing the subject like a very determined landscape, weather, and ambient light. Like most art forms, the definition of a photo of the landscape so vast, and now including urban, industrial area, and nature photography. Waterfalls, beaches, the sea and the mountains is very popular in classic Landscape photography. Although the majority of photos inspired by traditional landscape paintings, this technique can be applied to other subjects, places and things that can be photographed as a landscape, kitchen, lamps, wall, or even the human body. Important figures include landscape photographer Ansel Adams, Galen Rowell, and Edward Weston.(*
Many Landscape photographs showed little or no human activity, and is created in the pursuit of purity, a depiction of a pure unsullied nature without any human influence, not showing the subject like a very determined landscape, weather, and ambient light. Like most art forms, the definition of a photo of the landscape so vast, and now including urban, industrial area, and nature photography. Waterfalls, beaches, the sea and the mountains is very popular in classic Landscape photography. Although the majority of photos inspired by traditional landscape paintings, this technique can be applied to other subjects, places and things that can be photographed as a landscape, kitchen, lamps, wall, or even the human body. Important figures include landscape photographer Ansel Adams, Galen Rowell, and Edward Weston.(*
Foto gerhana bulan ini diambil ketika berada di pinggiran laut Kenjeran
lama, Surabaya. Bersama dengan teman-teman, sambil duduk menikmati sunset di
sore hari. Berangkat pada sore hari menuju Kenjeran lama, untuk menikmati
semilir angin sepoi-sepoi yang menerpa wajah dengan segala keindahan yang
disediakannya untuk memanjakan mata kami. Banyak kegiatan sosial yang bisa kita
nikmati disana, salah satunya yakni masyarakat yang berpencaharian sebagai
nelayan, banyak warung-warung pinggir jalan yang menyediakan makanan dan
minuman segala macam, anak-anak kecil yang sedang berlarian dipinggir pantai
untuk mencari keong-keongan, serta menikmati keindahan jembatan Suramadu
(Surabaya-Madura) yang dapat dinikmati keindahannya dari lokasi kami duduk. Menikmati
keindahan lampu yang dipancarkan oleh bias cahaya yang terpantul oleh air laut
dibawah jembatan Suramadu menambah keindahan jembatan Suramadu karena
lampu-lampunya. Keindahan yang dapat dinikmati dan dirasakan bersama
teman-teman, melepas penat, bergurau, dan tertawa bersama. Keindahan yang dapat
kita ciptakan sendiri, sederhana namun penuh tawa.(*tiyerreys)